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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "iError.h"
00002 #include "iError-config.h"
00004 #ifdef _POSIX_C_SOURCE
00005 #       include <pthread.h>
00006 #endif
00008 #ifdef USE_SPROC
00009 #       include <sys/types.h>
00010 #       include <sys/prctl.h>
00011 #       include <unistd.h>
00012 #       include <map>
00013 #endif
00015 #include <cstdio>
00017 //#include <iostream>
00018 #ifdef WIN32
00019 //      #include <strstream>
00020         #include <windows.h>
00021 //      #include <iomanip>
00022 #else
00023 #       include <cstdio>
00024 #       include <iostream>
00025 #endif
00027 namespace iERR {
00028 #ifdef _POSIX_C_SOURCE
00029         using std::cerr;
00030 #endif
00031 #ifdef USE_SPROC
00032         using std::map;
00033 #endif
00035 iErrorCode UNKNOWN("[UNKNOWN] Unknown Error");
00036 iErrorCode GENERIC("[GENERIC] %s");
00037 iErrorCode INTERNAL("[INTERNAL] Internal Error.");
00038 iErrorCode SYSTEM("[SYSTEM] System Error: %s");
00039 iErrorCode iERR_ASSERT("Assertion \"%s\" failed");
00040 iErrorCode iERR_NO_EXCEPTIONS("C++ exceptions are not supported by the current configuration");
00044 iStdErrorHandler iStdErrorHandler::m_Default;
00046 int iErrorHandler::m_HandlerCount=0;
00048 #ifdef _POSIX_C_SOURCE
00049 static pthread_key_t g_Current;
00050 #endif
00052 #ifdef USE_SPROC
00053 static iErrorHandler::CurrentTable_t g_Current;
00054 #endif
00056 #ifdef WIN32
00057 static long g_Current;
00058 #endif
00062 iErrorHandler::iErrorHandler()
00063 :m_Last(NULL)
00064 {
00065         m_LastError = new iError();
00066         if (m_HandlerCount==0)
00067         {
00068 #ifdef _POSIX_C_SOURCE
00069                 int res = pthread_key_create(&g_Current, NULL);
00070                 if(res) cerr << "error creating thread key: " << strerror(res) << endl;
00071 #endif
00073 #ifdef WIN32
00074                 if ((g_Current = TlsAlloc())== -1) MessageBox(NULL, _T("internal error: cannot create g_Current"), _T("FATAL"), MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);
00075 #endif
00076         }
00077         m_HandlerCount++;
00078 }
00081 iErrorHandler::~iErrorHandler()
00082 {
00083         delete m_LastError;
00084         m_HandlerCount--;
00085         if (m_HandlerCount==0)
00086         {
00087 #ifdef _POSIX_C_SOURCE
00088                 pthread_key_delete(g_Current);  
00089 #endif
00091 #ifdef WIN32
00092                 TlsFree(g_Current);
00093 #endif
00094         }
00095 }
00098 int 
00099 iErrorHandler::Throw(
00100                 iError::ErrorLevel errLevel,
00101                 const char *functionName,
00102                 const char *fileName,
00103                 int lineNr,
00104                 iErrorCode *errCode,
00105                 ...
00106         )
00107 {
00108         m_LastError->SetErrorCode(errLevel, errCode);
00109         if (fileName)
00110         {
00111                 m_LastError->AddDebugInfo
00112                 (
00113                         functionName,
00114                         fileName,
00115                         lineNr
00116                 );
00117         }
00119         if (errCode)
00120         {
00121                 // initialize description parameters
00122                 va_list vp;
00123                 va_start(vp, errCode);
00124                 int i = 0;
00125                 const char *c = errCode->GetSig();
00126                 while(c[0])
00127                 {
00128                         switch(c[0])
00129                         {
00130                                 case 'C':
00131                                 case 'c':
00132                                 case 'd':
00133                                 case 'i':
00134                                 case 'o':
00135                                 case 'u':
00136                                 case 'x':
00137                                 case 'X':
00138                                         m_LastError->SetIntegerParam(i, va_arg(vp, int));
00139                                         break;
00140                                 case 'e':
00141                                 case 'E':
00142                                 case 'f':
00143                                 case 'g':
00144                                 case 'G':
00145                                         m_LastError->SetDoubleParam(i, va_arg(vp, double));
00146                                         break;
00147                                 case 'S':
00148                                 case 's':
00149                                         m_LastError->SetStringParam(i, va_arg(vp, char*));
00150                                         break;
00151                                 case 'p':
00152                                 case 'n':
00153                                         m_LastError->SetVoidParam(i, va_arg(vp, void*));
00154                                         break;
00155                         }
00156                         i++;
00157                         c++;
00158                 }
00159                 va_end(vp);
00160         } // if (m_ErrorCode)
00162         m_Last=m_LastError;
00163         _Throw();
00164         return (errCode ? errCode->GetErrorCode() : 0);
00165 }
00168 bool
00169 iErrorHandler::Rethrow(
00170                 const char *functionName,
00171                 const char *file,
00172                 int line
00173         )
00174 {
00175         bool result = false;
00176         if (m_Last)
00177         {
00178                 if (file)
00179                 {
00180                         m_Last->AddDebugInfo(
00181                                 functionName,
00182                                 file,
00183                                 line
00184                         );
00185                 }
00186                 _Throw();
00187                 result = true;
00188         }
00189         return result;
00190 }
00193 bool 
00194 iErrorHandler::Handle(
00195                 const char *functionName,
00196                 const char *file,
00197                 int line
00198         )
00199 {
00200         bool result = false;
00201         if (m_Last)
00202         {
00203                 if (file)
00204                 {
00205                         m_Last->AddDebugInfo(
00206                                 functionName,
00207                                 file,
00208                                 line
00209                         );
00210                 }
00211                 _Handle();
00212                 m_Last=NULL;
00213                 result=true;
00214         }
00215         return result;
00216 }
00219 bool 
00220 iErrorHandler::Reset()
00221 {
00222         bool result = false;
00223         if (m_Last)
00224         {
00225                 m_Last=NULL;
00226                 result=true;
00227         }
00228         return result;
00229 }
00232 iError* 
00233 iErrorHandler::LastError(bool reset)
00234 {
00235         iError* result = m_Last;
00236         if (reset) Reset();
00237         return result;
00238 }
00241 iErrorHandler*
00242 iErrorHandler::Current()
00243 {
00244 #ifdef _POSIX_C_SOURCE
00245         iErrorHandler* res = (iErrorHandler*)pthread_getspecific(g_Current);
00246         if (!res)
00247         {
00248                 res = &iStdErrorHandler::m_Default;
00249                 pthread_setspecific(g_Current,res);
00250         }
00251         return res;
00252 #endif
00254 #ifdef USE_SPROC
00255         iErrorHandler* res = &iStdErrorHandler::m_Default;
00256         CurrentTable_t::iterator item = g_Current.find(getpid());
00257         if (item != g_Current.end())
00258         {
00259                 res = (*item).second;
00260         }
00261         return res;
00262 #endif
00264 #ifdef WIN32
00265         iErrorHandler* res = (iErrorHandler*)TlsGetValue(g_Current);
00266         if (!res)
00267         {
00268                 res = &iStdErrorHandler::m_Default;
00269                 TlsSetValue(g_Current,res);
00270         }
00271         return res;
00272 #endif
00273 }
00276 iErrorHandler*
00277 iErrorHandler::SetCurrent()
00278 {
00279 #ifdef _POSIX_C_SOURCE
00280         iErrorHandler *result = (iErrorHandler*)pthread_getspecific(g_Current);
00281         pthread_setspecific(g_Current,this);
00282 #endif
00284 #ifdef USE_SPROC
00285         pid_t threadID = getpid();
00286         iErrorHandler* result = &iStdErrorHandler::m_Default;
00287         CurrentTable_t::iterator item = g_Current.find(threadID);
00288         if (item != g_Current.end())
00289         {
00290                 result = (*item).second;
00291         }
00292         g_Current[threadID]=this;
00293 #endif
00295 #ifdef WIN32
00296         iErrorHandler *result = (iErrorHandler*)TlsGetValue(g_Current);
00297         TlsSetValue(g_Current,this);
00298 #endif
00300         return result;
00301 }
00305 iStdErrorHandler::iStdErrorHandler()
00306 :m_NotificationLevel(iError::iINFO)
00307 #ifdef _DEBUG
00308 ,m_ShowDebugInfo(true)
00309 #else
00310 ,m_ShowDebugInfo(false)
00311 #endif
00312 {
00313 }
00315 void 
00316 iStdErrorHandler::_Throw()
00317 {
00318         switch (m_Last->GetErrorLevel())
00319         {
00320         case iError::iINFO:
00321         case iError::iWARNING:
00322                 Handle();
00323                 break;
00324         case iError::iCRITICAL:
00325                 break;
00326         case iError::iEXCEPTION:
00327 #ifdef HAVE_EXCEPTIONS
00328                 throw LastError();
00329 #else
00330                 iThrow(WARNING(iERR_NO_EXCEPTIONS));
00331                 break;
00332 #endif
00333         case iError::iASSERTION:
00334                 Handle();
00335                 exit(-1);
00336         default:
00337                 iThrow(WARNING(UNKNOWN));
00338         }
00339 }
00342 void 
00343 iStdErrorHandler::_Handle()
00344 {
00345         if (m_Last->GetErrorLevel()>=m_NotificationLevel)
00346         {
00347                 char buf[2001];
00348 #               ifdef WIN32
00349                         int _i;
00350                         TCHAR buff[2001];
00351 #               endif
00352                 if (m_Last)
00353                 {
00354                         if (m_ShowDebugInfo)
00355                         {
00356                                 sprintf(buf, "%s\nDebug info:\n%s", m_Last->GetDescription(), m_Last->GetDebugInfo());
00357                         } else
00358                         {
00359                                 sprintf(buf, "%s", m_Last->GetDescription());
00360                         }
00361 #                       ifdef WIN32
00362                                 for (_i=0; buf[_i]!=0; ++_i) {buff[_i]=(TCHAR)buf[_i]; }; buff[_i]=0;
00363 #                       endif
00364                         switch(m_Last->GetErrorLevel())
00365                         {
00366                         case iError::iINFO:
00367 #                               ifdef WIN32
00368                                         MessageBox(NULL, buff, _T("INFO"), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);
00369 #                               else
00370                                         cerr << "INFO: " << buf << endl;
00371 #                               endif
00372                                 break;
00373                         case iError::iWARNING:
00374 #                               ifdef WIN32
00375                                         MessageBox(NULL, buff, _T("WARNING"), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
00376 #                               else
00377                                         cerr << "WARNING: " << buf << endl;
00378 #                               endif
00379                                 break;
00380                         case iError::iCRITICAL:
00381 #                               ifdef WIN32
00382                                         MessageBox(NULL, buff, _T("CRITICAL"), MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);
00383 #                               else
00384                                         cerr << "CRITICAL: " << buf << endl;
00385 #                               endif
00386                                 break;
00387                         case iError::iEXCEPTION:
00388 #                               ifdef WIN32
00389                                         MessageBox(NULL, buff, _T("EXCEPTION"), MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);
00390 #                               else
00391                                         cerr << "EXCEPTION: " << buf << endl;
00392 #                               endif
00393                                 break;
00394                         case iError::iASSERTION:
00395 #                               ifdef WIN32
00396                                         MessageBox(NULL, buff, _T("assertion failed"), MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);
00397 #                               else
00398                                         cerr << buf << endl;
00399 #                               endif
00400                                 break;
00401                         default:
00402 #                               ifdef WIN32
00403                                         MessageBox(NULL, buff, _T("iError"), MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);
00404 #                               else
00405                                         cerr << "iError: " << buf << endl;
00406 #                               endif
00407                                 break;
00408                         } // switch error level
00409                 } // if(m_Last)
00410         } // if(GetErrorLevel >= m_NotificationLevel)
00411 }
00415 iError::iError()
00416         :m_ErrorLevel(iINFO)
00417         ,m_ErrorCode(&UNKNOWN)
00418         ,m_LastDebugInfo(0)
00419 {
00420 }
00423 iError::ErrorLevel
00424 iError::GetErrorLevel() const
00425 {
00426         return m_ErrorLevel;
00427 }
00430 iErrorCode*
00431 iError::GetErrorCode() const
00432 {
00433         return m_ErrorCode;
00434 }
00437 const char*
00438 iError::GetDescription()
00439 {
00440         m_Description[0]='\0';
00441         if (m_ErrorCode)
00442         {
00443                 char format[30];  // format spec
00444                 char temp[ERR_MAX_DESCRIPTION];   // temporare output buffer
00445                 const char *i = m_ErrorCode->GetDescription();
00446                 if (i)
00447                 {
00448                         char *fp; // format pointer
00449                         int j=0;  // m_Param counter
00450                         while (i[0])
00451                         {
00452                                 if (i[0]=='%')
00453                                 {
00454                                         fp=format; // set fp to beginning of format
00455                                         fp[0]='%';
00456                                         fp++;
00457                                         i++;
00458                                         bool found = true;
00459                                         while (found)
00460                                         {
00461                                                 switch(i[0])
00462                                                 {
00463                                                 case 'C':
00464                                                 case 'c':
00465                                                 case 'd':
00466                                                 case 'i':
00467                                                 case 'o':
00468                                                 case 'u':
00469                                                 case 'x':
00470                                                 case 'X':
00471                                                         fp[0]=i[0];
00472                                                         fp[1]='\0';
00473                                                         sprintf(temp, format, m_Param[j].GetInt());
00474                                                         j++;
00475                                                         strcat(m_Description, temp);
00476                                                         found=false;
00477                                                         break;
00479                                                 case 'e':
00480                                                 case 'E':
00481                                                 case 'f':
00482                                                 case 'g':
00483                                                 case 'G':
00484                                                         fp[0]=i[0];
00485                                                         fp[1]='\0';
00486                                                         sprintf(temp, format, m_Param[j].GetDouble());
00487                                                         j++;
00488                                                         strcat(m_Description, temp);
00489                                                         found=false;
00490                                                         break;
00492                                                 case 'S':
00493                                                 case 's':
00494                                                         fp[0]=i[0];
00495                                                         fp[1]='\0';
00496                                                         sprintf(temp, format, m_Param[j].GetString());
00497                                                         j++;
00498                                                         strcat(m_Description, temp);
00499                                                         found=false;
00500                                                         break;
00501                                                 case 'p':
00502                                                 case 'n':
00503                                                         fp[0]=i[0];
00504                                                         fp[1]='\0';
00505                                                         sprintf(temp, format, m_Param[j].GetVoid());
00506                                                         j++;
00507                                                         strcat(m_Description, temp);
00508                                                         found=false;
00509                                                         break;
00511                                                 case '%':
00512                                                         strcat(m_Description, "%");
00513                                                         found=false;
00514                                                         break;
00516                                                 default:
00517                                                         fp[0]=i[0];
00518                                                         fp++;
00519                                                         i++;
00520                                                 }
00521                                         }
00522                                 } else {
00523                                         strncat(m_Description, &i[0], 1);
00524                                 }
00525                                 i++;
00526                         } // while i[0]
00527                 } else // no description
00528                 {
00529                         strcpy(m_Description, "unknown error");
00530                 }
00531         } else // m_errorHandler==NULL
00532         { 
00533                 strcpy(m_Description, "unknown error");
00534         }
00535         return m_Description;
00536 }
00539 const char*
00540 iError::GetDebugInfo()
00541 {
00542         char temp[ERR_MAX_DEBUG_DESCRIPTION];
00543         m_DebugInfo[0]='\0';
00544         for (int i=0; i<m_LastDebugInfo; ++i)
00545         {
00546                 sprintf(temp, "\t%s (%s in line %d)", m_Function[i], m_File[i], m_Line[i]);
00547                 if (i>0)
00548                 {
00549                         strcat(m_DebugInfo, "\n");
00550                 }
00551                 strcat(m_DebugInfo, temp);
00552         }
00553         return m_DebugInfo;
00554 }
00557 iError::operator long() const
00558 {
00559         if (m_ErrorCode)
00560         {
00561                 return m_ErrorCode->GetErrorCode();
00562         } else
00563         {
00564                 return 0;
00565         }
00566 }
00569 void
00570 iError::SetErrorCode(ErrorLevel errLevel, iErrorCode* errCode)
00571 {
00572         m_ErrorLevel = errLevel;
00573         m_ErrorCode = errCode;
00574         m_LastDebugInfo = 0;
00575 }
00578 void
00579 iError::SetIntegerParam(int idx, int value)
00580 {
00581         m_Param[idx].SetInt(value);
00582 }
00585 void
00586 iError::SetDoubleParam(int idx, double value)
00587 {
00588         m_Param[idx].SetDouble(value);
00589 }
00592 void
00593 iError::SetStringParam(int idx, const char* value)
00594 {
00595         m_Param[idx].SetString(value);
00596 }
00599 void
00600 iError::SetVoidParam(int idx, void* value)
00601 {
00602         m_Param[idx].SetVoid(value);
00603 }
00606 void
00607 iError::AddDebugInfo(
00608                 const char* functionName,
00609                 const char* fileName,
00610                 int lineNr
00611         )
00612 {
00613         if (m_LastDebugInfo<ERR_MAX_STACK_DEPTH)
00614         {
00615                 m_File[m_LastDebugInfo] = fileName;
00616                 m_Line[m_LastDebugInfo] = lineNr;
00617                 m_Function[m_LastDebugInfo] = functionName;
00618                 ++m_LastDebugInfo;
00619         } else
00620         {
00621                 // ERR_MAX_STACK_DEPTH exceeded
00622         }
00623 }
00627 iErrorCode::iErrorCode(
00628                 const char *description,
00629                 int errCode
00630         )
00631         :m_Description(description)
00632         ,m_ErrorCode(errCode)
00633 {
00634         if (!m_Description) m_Description="unspecified error";
00635         // build m_Sig
00636         int j=0;
00637         bool found=true;
00638         const char *i = m_Description;
00639         while (i[0] && j<ERR_MAX_PARAM)
00640         {
00641                 if (i[0]=='%')
00642                 {
00643                         i++;
00644                         found=true;
00645                         while (found)
00646                         {
00647                                 switch(i[0])
00648                                 {
00649                                 case 'c':
00650                                 case 'C':
00651                                 case 'd':
00652                                 case 'i':
00653                                 case 'o':
00654                                 case 'u':
00655                                 case 'x':
00656                                 case 'X':
00657                                 case 'e':
00658                                 case 'E':
00659                                 case 'f':
00660                                 case 'g':
00661                                 case 'G':
00662                                 case 's':
00663                                 case 'S':
00664                                 case 'p':
00665                                 case 'n':
00666                                         m_Sig[j]=i[0]; j++;
00667                                         found=false;
00668                                         break;
00670                                 case '%':
00671                                         found=false;
00672                                         break;
00674                                 case '\0':
00675                                         found=false;
00676                                         break;
00678                                 default:
00679                                         i++;
00680                                 }
00681                         }
00682                 } // %
00683                 i++;
00684         }
00685         m_Sig[j]='\0';
00686 }
00689 iErrorCode::~iErrorCode()
00690 {
00691 }
00693 }; // namespace iERR

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